Yes of course. Warranty is always an important consideration when purchasing a used vehicle. This is why Motorcheck provides manufacturer warranty information as well as data from private warranty providers (where available) in every one of our history reports.

If you are buying from a dealer and the vehicle is not covered by the manufacturer’s warranty, you should always ask the supplier for details of the warranty they will supply. If you are considering buying privately it is just as important to determine if the vehicle is still under warranty.”

What manufacturer warranty information do we have?

For the majority of passenger vehicles sold new in Ireland we will be able to tell you what cover remains from the original manufacturer’s warranty entitlements against;

  • Whole Engine
  • Engine
  • Anticorrosion
  • Paint
  • Road Assistant

Do you have warranty information for used vehicles?

For used vehicles covered by independent provider we will have the following information;

  • The level of cover that’s in place
  • The period remaining on the policy

If not presently covered;

  • Does the vehicle qualify for a carprotect warranty?
  • What level of cover is available?

Find Out

  • Is the car covered?
  • What level of cover is in place?
  • What period of cover remains?

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