We have access to the UK Police Database for UK Stolen Vehicles. Unfortunately An Garda Siochana do not share their Stolen Vehicle data with any third parties as yet so in the meantime we are reliant on our own private stolen vehicle register to check if a car has been reported stolen in Ireland and we can only check if it was stolen in Ireland using this database.
Over 13,000 cars are stolen in Ireland every year, with 15% (2,000) remaining unrecovered. Notwithstanding this Ireland is one of the few countries in Europe that does not make its stolen vehicle register (as maintained by an Garda Siochana – the national police force) available to members of the public.
Can I check if a car was stolen in Ireland?
Unlike the United Kingdom where the Stolen Vehicle Register has been made available to Motorcheck, the Irish database remains for Garda use only.”
While Motorcheck continues to lobby An Garda Siochana for access to the official register, we are pleased to offer the services of our own stolen car register to you free of charge.
If you’re buying a car please note that it is not possible to check all stolen vehicle records until the Garda database becomes available.
To record your vehicle as stolen on our register please complete the form here. We will ensure that any reports run against the registration number you supply will carry the necessary warning and with luck a potential buyer will contact Motorcheck with information that may lead to its recovery.
Find Out
- Was it stolen in the UK?
- Has it been reported to Motorcheck as stolen in Ireland?
- Could it be a cloned car?
- Is the logbook forged?
- Are the number plates fake?
Check Motorcheck's Irish Stolen Car Register and the official UK Police Database today - simply type the reg number below and hit go.
What else will you uncover?
Not only does Motorcheck allow you to instantly access stolen car reports, it instantly notifies you if a car or vehicle was written off or has outstanding car finance. Motorcheck is Ireland's most comprehensive car history database, so Don't Regret It, MotorCheck It! Start now with a Free Vehicle Identity Check.
Don't Regret It, MotorCheck It! - more reasons to use MotorCheck
Our affordable and easy-to-use reports save Irish car buyers thousands of euro every week.
Check for evidence of Clocking
Check for previous Write-off history