Well, the short answer is that you don’t — it’s not actually called a log-book in Ireland anymore. In fact, since 2004 what we used to call the log-book is now known as the Vehicle Registration Certificate.
It’s most likely a document that you haven’t actually looked at since you bought your current car, and you probably won’t look at it again until you come to sell the car. As with all rarely-used documents, it’s a pretty easy one to lose — house moves and home reorganisations are the common culprits for a lost log-book… sorry, Vehicle Registration Certificate.
So, to go about getting a replacement log book in Ireland, the first thing that you’ll need is a form, and specifically form RF134. It’s available from your local motor tax office, but it’s probably easier these days to just download it from motortax.ie.
Once you’ve filled it in, you’ll need to get the form witnessed and stamped by your local Garda station, so be prepared and make sure you have photographic identity, proof of address, and your social services card. You may also be asked by the Garda on duty to provide some sort of proof of ownership of the vehicle, so as ever make sure you have all of your paperwork in order before heading down to the station.

Once that’s all done, you’ll need to enclose a cheque or postal order for €12 (you’re asked not to send cash) and then that can be sent to your local motor tax office (again, check out motortax.ie to find out where your nearest branch is) where it will be processed.
Incidentally, if your car is a pre-2004 registration, then you will have the older Vehicle Licensing Certificate, and this will be replaced with the new Vehicle Registration Certificate when you complete the process.
Given that all of this paperwork can take time, it’s a good idea — if you have a car you currently want to sell and can’t find the Cert — to get all of this done well ahead of time, as you’ll need the Vehicle Registration Certificate to change ownership of the car. Equally, anyone buying the car from you may well become — justifiably — suspicious of your motives if you can’t show them a current Cert when they come to view the car.