I came across another job website for the trade at www.recruitauto.ie and gave Padriac Deane, the man behind it, a call to learn more.
Turns out that the website is part of the Automotive Publications Group and offers a free recruitment service to auto industry employers and job seekers from all over Ireland (Republic and Northern Ireland).
Padraic told me that he thought it truly amazing how in this economic climate many auto industry employers complain to him that they are having great difficulty in filling vacancies in their businesses.
It was because so many auto industry businesses closed in the past two years and thousands of good people were made redundant that he decided to start the service and he told me that after a pronounced decline like he had never seen before, he was definitely experiencing good indicators that auto industry employers throughout Ireland feel that the recession has bottomed out and they are looking to recruit and start growing their businesses again for the future.

According to Padraic, "They wish to increase turnover and improve services to customer, and this requires restoring some of positions that had been lost in the decline."
I wish him well with the site....all we need now are the jobs!